Posts Categorized: Recovery & Relaunch Resource Center

Why *YOU* should shop small this holiday season

By: Jennifer Boutin, Maine SBDC Maine would not be the same without the small businesses that make our communities unique, or without the hardworking business owners who create jobs for our families, friends and neighbors. Small businesses are the core of our economy, making up over 99% of businesses in Maine.  And, these small businesses… Read more »

How to Survive and Thrive this Holiday Season

By: Maine SBDC Business Advisor Alison Lane  As we close the year with the same uncertainty that plagued our Spring, Summer, and Fall, small business owners hope to capitalize on the season that is “merry and bright”.  However, changes to consumer behavior, recovering markets, and the scars from many rough months make the success of… Read more »

What If Someone Tests Positive

With the amount of time the Coronavirus has endured, business owners might have started asking themselves not if a positive case will occur in their business, but when. On the occasion where someone has become infected, it is important to know where to look and what to do. Fortunately, there is guidance out there to… Read more »

Getting Started with QuickBooks

By: Christina Oddleifson, Maine SBDC Business Advisor  Covid 19 has made it more important than ever for small businesses to have up to date information about their financial performance. If the Covid 19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that small businesses with up to date and accurate financial information have fared better than those… Read more »

PPP Forgiveness Application Videos

One program, two forgiveness application forms. Which form is right for your business? Where do you find the forms? How do you fill out the applications properly?  Maine SBDC has created walk-through videos to help small businesses understand the Paycheck Protection Program Forgiveness Applications. This is a three-part series that first helps business owners identify which… Read more »

What You Need to Know About Cybersecurity

By: Keenan Hendricks, Maine SBDC Intern, based on Basics to Cyber-Securing Your Business Webinar by Business Advisors Brandon McDonald & Jared Tapley. As your business grows its daily operations and overall presence on the web, you must ensure that you are informed about the basics of Cybersecurity for your small business. It is easy for… Read more »

Understanding Your Customer: Using Market Research to Ensure and Shape your Future

By: Madeleine Lutts, Maine SBDC Intern Since everyday life and the general business landscape have changed dramatically for almost all of us this year, most consumers are acting and behaving differently in at least one way. If you think about your shopping habits, and whether or not your shopping experiences have changed in the recent… Read more »

Employer Leave Obligations as Schools Reopen

As the 2020-21 school year approaches, parents and employers alike face tremendous challenges. Will education be in person, hybrid, or entirely virtually? How will working parents care for their children while doing remote schooling? It’s important for business owners to understand Federal and State rulings that impact both employers and employees.

Farmington Underground Escape Room – Farmington, ME

COVID has caused massive disruptions in the way we all do business. Businesses throughout Maine are finding unique and interesting ways to connect with their customers, find new revenue streams, and keep their businesses afloat. Want to share how your business is pivoting? Contact us here. Joseph Musumeci and Mary Ellms own Farmington Underground Escape Room… Read more »