Posts Tagged: cash flow

Create realistic financial projections

Part of a financial spreadsheet with pen and calculator

Part 3 of the “Things we wish we knew” Blog series By: Tina Oddleifson, Business Advisor   We get it, you’re an artist, a baker, or love working on cars.  You’ve decided to start a business doing what you love, and you plan to let someone else worry about the financial details later.   But when… Read more »

Understanding Financial Statements – A Video Series

Do you struggle with financial management in your small business?  Are you intimidated by the income statement, baffled by the balance sheet, or confused by a cash flow statement? You’re not alone! Most small business owners don’t use their financial reports to their full advantage or only see them only as a tool to file… Read more »

Common Small Business Bookkeeping Mistakes

Hands holding accounting paperwork and using a calculator

Keeping accurate records of your business’s financial transactions is critical to ensure consistency and avoid bookkeeping mistakes. However, small business owners often make common bookkeeping errors that can lead to significant financial problems.