Michael Stiggle is the heart and soul of Timberwolves Restaurant, a family-owned and operated barbecue restaurant and bar located just one mile from the Canadian border in the small town of Mars Hill. Whether you find him cooking the “Best Burger in Maine” (as designated by Downeast Magazine), working on his new barbecue sauce line, or sharing a story with his customers, Michael Stiggle is a constant reminder that there are amazing things happening in Aroostook County.
Timberwolves BBQ is dedicated to offering an exceptional and diverse fare. In August 2020, Timberwolves was designated the “Best Burger in Maine” by Downeast magazine. This was no surprise to customers who have rated Timberwolves BBQ with nearly perfect reviews, commenting on the exceptional food, service, ambiance, and on Mike’s warm and genuine welcome.

Michael is no stranger to entrepreneurship and has owned several restaurants through his esteemed career as a chef in Aroostook County. Through sheer passion and perseverance, Michael has worked hard to build the Timberwolves legacy. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, he was an early-adopter of restrictions that kept his customers and employees safe. His quick response and safety measures gained him attention and praise. In addition, Timberwolves BBQ expanded its product offerings, allowing customers to try their hand at cooking Timberwolves staples at home through its sauce line-up or offering delivery throughout the Central Aroostook region.

Michael has turned to the Maine SBDC several times over the past few years, including assistance with business planning. Most recently, he worked with Maine SBDC’s Brandon McDonald at Northern Maine Development Commission to better understand his customer, secure pandemic assistance funds, and solidify his position as one of the best in Aroostook County.
Brandon noted, “I’ve been a proud advisor for Mike for a few years now – but a happy customer for nearly a decade. Mike grew out of his store in my town, but our family happily followed him to Mars Hill. It is just a bonus to be able to call Mike an SBDC client and continue to support his journey whenever we can.”
Michael comments, “Without the SBDC’s help & Brandon’s assistance, we would not be able to be open during this difficult time.” he adds, “I appreciate the SBDC for all that they do to keep businesses operating & providing them with the assistance they need now, more than ever.”

Business Advisor: Brandon McDonald
To follow this growing Maine business, visit their Facebook or website.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timberwolvesbbq/
Website: https://timberwolvesrestaurant.com/