Lucas Roldan Rozas first came to a business advisor, Alison Lane, for help starting his own CrossFit business but was quickly discouraged by the significant costs involved with starting from scratch. Alison urged him to keep his eyes open for opportunities, since “crazy things can happen.” Within a week, a great opportunity presented itself when the CrossFit business the client worked for went up for sale. Lucas and Alison worked together to craft a business plan and financial projections and, within a few months, he had negotiated a Purchase and Sale Agreement and secured financing through the bank and the seller.
On February 27, 2020, he closed on the sale of the business and became the official owner of CrossFit Black Bear! He continued to meet with Alison to discuss marketing tactics, his website and using Quickbooks. However, within one month of securing ownership, COVID-19 struck and the client was forced to temporarily close.

Initially, fearful of his cash flow situation, he and Alison discussed Federal Assistance programs but by adjusting his expenses accordingly he found himself in a better position than expected. Additionally, he was able to quickly pivot his business model to offering virtual training classes, events, and gatherings. Because much of the success of this gym is driven by deep relationships among its members and staff, they were able to thrive in a virtual environment, and his members greatly appreciated his efforts to keep them safe and healthy, and connected.
With guidance and support from Alison and a strong effort on his part, he persevered ultimately applying for and receiving a PPP Loan. This provided him with the resources needed to bring back his staff and hire new trainers. With additional investments made in new workout equipment and a HEPA Air Filtration System. In a deeply stressful environment and as a very new business owner, Lucas truly made the best out of a challenging situation.
Sharing credit with Allison for his success he said “I would like to thank you for what you are doing for me and for all the businesses you are helping. You do a fantastic job and we are lucky to have someone like you.”
Business Advisor: Alison Lane
To follow this growing Maine business, visit their website or Facebook.