Business Advisors

Peter Piconi

Profile Picture of Peter Piconi

Certified Business Advisor

Maine SBDC at CEI

Location: Camden & Wiscasset
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Territory: Knox and Waldo Counties

Email: Peter Piconi

Phone: 207-504-5869

Maine SBDC Business Advisor Since 2021

Advising Specialties: Business Start-up, Strategy, Marketing, Specialty retail, promotions.  Outreach, network and community building, stakeholder engagement, eco-tourism, marine-based business models, sustainable aquaculture, winery operations

Education: B.S. in Wildlife Management, Humboldt State University

​Professional Background: Peter’s foundational training and practice as a field biologist, researcher, and analyst inform his unique perspective about the business world.  As an entrepreneur, he launched and managed an outdoor retail waterfront business and charter/guide service in a highly competitive San Diego market.  His business experience led him to the Midwest where he was a key lead for a start-up regional fishery (RAS) within a budding network of investors.  This work brought him to Maine to manage the Aquaculture Business Development Program for the Island Institute successfully establishing key partnerships in support of island and coastal fisherman while building a collaborating network of aquaculturists throughout Maine.

Other Info: Peter is highly outdoor-oriented and can frequently be found hiking mid-coast Maine when not chasing striped bass or trout with his fly rod. One of his favorite pastimes is tracking down that next great seafood restaurant in Maine.